Tag Archive: Dream Herb

Dreaming with Supplements

There was a question asked in one of the Facebook groups I participate in if there is a herb that enhances lucid dreams and AP. I don’t know about AP, but there are plenty of plants that enhance (lucid) dreaming and which I have tried out myself:

– Calea zacatechichi (also called ‘dream herb’) – should be used as tea or rolled up and smoked before bedtime and is supposed to increase dream vividness and the possibility of becoming aware within a dream (for some people). It’s extremely bitter which is why I find it extremely difficult to digest, besides that it never worked for me either as tea or rolled and smoked. I experimented with it a little and tried filling the herb into capsules and taking around 1 g per try (4x 250 mg per capsule) before going to bed which showed to be a completely different story – I became aware within a dream each time I took it this way. But I only took it like that a couple of times so it’s hard to say whether it’s actually because of the plant or merely a placebo. I also made calea tincture, but I didn’t try that one out yet.
