Tag Archive: Galantamine

Dreaming with Supplements – Galantamine

The effects of Galantamine and Galantamine-based supplements on my lucid dreaming attempts

Galantamine is considered THE most effective supplement for lucid dreaming. A lot is already written on what’s, why’s and how’s so I won’t get into details here (for anyone interested, there is a great article on the subject by Ryan Hurd on DreamStudies: http://tinyurl.com/7cshkxu) and I’ll just focus on my personal experiences.

I first came across with this supplement back in 2006 when I got my hands on Thomas Yuschak’s “Advanced Lucid Dreaming – The Power of Supplements” (2006, Lulu Enterprises). Since I was a newbie in lucid dreaming back then and I was facing all the obstacles beginners usually face (lousy dream recall which led to no success with achieving lucid dreams which led to lack of motivation; lack of discipline was probably also one of the major obstacles), I was looking for a “quick fix” and Galantamine seemed to be just that. I found a guy who was also interested in experimenting with supplements, we placed an order and not long after that I was able to make my first supplement-supported lucid dreaming attempt.
